Maui Wildfire Relief
In response to the fires across Maui in August 2023, The Sewing Hui coordinated and organized a mass effort to gather supplies and items for individuals and families impacted by the fires. We created, collected, and distributed pillowcases for Maui families impacted by the fires. Utilizing our more than 60 partners from our pandemic and post-pandemic projects, we coordinated with these partners to support efficient and immediate distribution.
Mahalo to the tremendous support of individuals across the state and country who created and donated pillowcases to our pillowcase drive. We exceeded our goal of 2,000 pillowcases! Mahalo to everyone who supported this project! Recipients and supporters are noted below.
We are no longer collecting pillowcases. We are currently distributing pillowcases where they are needed. In addition, we are collecting sewing supplies for sewists and quilters who lost their supplies in the fires. More information on this project can be found here.
If your organization, school, or group needs pillowcases for anyone affected by the Maui fires then please email us at so that we can get these to you as soon as possible.
As of 10/01/23, here are our current stats:
Pillowcases - 3,084
Walker & Wheelchair bags - 109
Sleep Masks - 156
Pillows - 179
Other Items - we've received a small amount of other items such as baby blankets, children's books, children's toys, art supplies, drawstring bags, face masks, and key fobs. All of those items have been sent to various hubs.
Recipients of items include:
Bayada Home Health Care
Boy Scout Camp Maluhia shelter
Directly to individuals and families impacted by the fires
Hale Makua in Wailuku
Hyatt in Ka’anapali for the keiki temporarily being housed there
Kanani Adolpho servicing a kūpuna neighborhood in Keawela Mauka (coordinated by @knanikpadolpho @alohaintention @eafulton24)
Kaunoa Senior Center
Kelea Foundation in Kahului
Kihei Elementary
Lahaina fire fighters and their families who lost their homes
Lahaina Gateway Hub
LDS Church in Kahului for their shelter
Maui Rapid Response
Napili Marketplace Hub
Pacific Birth Collective
Pukalani Elementary School
Project Vision Hawai'i
Roots School
Secondhand Heaven
Sheraton Hub
Upcountry Strong Hub
War Memorial Shelter
Mahalo to all of the people who have created, donated, or contributed to our pillowcase drive!
Volunteers joining The Sewing Hui to create pillowcases:
Anna Higa, Andrea Futch, Daniella Vingelin, Debbie Shimabukuro, Deborah Evans, Diana Woods, Dina Mezheritsky, Dotty Higa, Elaine Gima, Elaine Shaw, Gail Pickholz, Hallie Hunt, Heather Goldin, Heather Greenwood, Ildiko and Lili Kalmar, Katie Whiticar, Keala Storm, Kim Raymond, Kim Raymond, Lan Tran, Lisa Pestana, Lynne Donaldson, Madeline Reese, Nancy Betts, Nancy Chavaria, Nancy Schmidt, Nichole Procopenko and her sister Lana, Pamela Patrick, Patti Brummel, Patty Davis, Randy Keller, Samantha Sheehan, Sharon Labao, Stacey Pagud, Stacey Pagud, Tammy Norton, Terri Simms, Vicki Shortell, Yasmine Lindskog Visanko
Sewing Groups and Individuals who have contributed pillowcases, pillows, and sewing supply donations:
Coming from Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawai’i, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and even from Canada.
Allison Leong of Santa Monica, California
American Sewing Guild of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ana Weter
Andrea York of Middletown, New York
Annette Arakawa of Maui
Barbara McCarty
Betsy Nighswonger of Bremerton, Washington
Betty Kanai of O’ahu
Billy Vincent & Jan Russell of Redlands, California
Block Party Quilters of Sammamish, Washington
Bobbi Leung, Quilts From The Heart of Los Angeles, California
Button Bird, Nancy Arnold of Sacramento, California
C DeLizo of Mililani, Hawaii
Capital Quilts of Gaithersburg, Maryland
Carie Bronson of Hartland, Wisconsin
Carol Cosby
Christine Zinn of Spring Valley, California
Cindy Donnells of Trumbell, Connecticut
Cindy Sawyer and the Coon ‘Ohana
Cindy Stearns of Bonsall, California
Cindy Wilson of Chino Valley, Arizona
Claire Shaeffer of Palm Springs, California
Connie Humphreys
Darlene Smeigh of O’ahu
David and Nel Thames
Deanna Davis, Community Quilty Project from Albany, New York
Debbie Brown, Valley Quilt Guild of Simi Valley, California
Debbie Grande of Drumheller, Alberta, Canada
Debbie Tanaka of Reno, Nevada
Deborah Aracic of Piedmont, California
Debra Bolash of Rolling Meadows, Illinois
Denise Mollenkopf of Arden, North Carolina
Diane and JoAnn of Concord, California
Diane Belcher of Austin, Texas
Diane Head of Blue Ridge, Georgie
Diane Sheckells of Kingston, New Hampshire
Dr. Kevin Omuro
Elaine Murakami of Seattle, Washington
Elaine Shaw
Elizabeth Bermudez, Redbud Quilters and Crafters of Pittsboro, North Carolina
Evelyn George of Tucson, Arizona
Fashion Society Club of Honolulu Community College
Femke Huisman and her sewing group in St. Petersburg, Florida
Frances Evans of Healdsburg, California
G.A. Lindstrom of Redmond, Oregon
Gail & Chris Traughber of San Pedro, California
Gail Campbell of Ipswich, Massachusetts
Gail Kuba
Gayle Mowbray
Gina Doty of Cadyville, New York
Gold Rush City Quilters of Gainesville, Georgia
Gwyn Bailey of Albuquerque, New Mexico
Heather Goulet and Margaret Neville of San Clemente, California
Helen Hamerstrom
Helping Hands, Loving Hearts Sew for Service group in Puyallup, Washington
Holly Hofman DeRodi of Stuart, Florida
Inez Butterfield
Iva Halstead of Rohnert Park, California
Janine Matsuo of Aiea, Hawaii
Jerilyn Kekauoha-Serfaison of Vacaville, California
Jessica Fox-Tenney of Santa Barbara, California
Jill Fitzpatrick
Judy and Wayne Allen of Stoneham, Massachusetts
Judy Cosgrove of La Mesa, California
Julia Cost of Maui, @juliaallissoncost
Julie Scouten
K. Kenney of Stratham, New Hampshire
K.K. Young
Karen Hartenbower and church sewing groups from Emporia, Kansas
Karen Parker of Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Karen Rakita of Torrance, California
Karen Yinger of Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kathy Saladino of Locust Grove, Virginia
Kerry Reardon of O’ahu
Kim Richards
Kit Sakurai of O’ahu
Kris Clarkson of Mountain View, California
Ladies of the Lake Quilters of Lakeway, Texas
Laneshia Hawkins of Puyallup, Washington
Laurita Hack
Lei Ho of O’ahu
Lily Gallagher of O’ahu
Linda Carpenter
Linda Scott of Seattle, Washington
Lindsay Hager
Lisa Miwa, Esther Osaki, Coleen Fujimoto of Pearl City, Hawaii
Lisa Pestana
Lisa Taranto of Lexington, Massachusetts
Lisa Undraitis of San Marcos, California
Liz Herrera of Mays Landing, New Jersey
Lorraine Nakasone of Honolulu, Hawaii
M. Ortega of Santa Fe, New Mexico
Mallory Armstrong of Maui
Margo Johnson of Avondale, Pennsylvania
Margy Miller
Marilyn Boros
Marissa Swartz, Helping Hands, Loving Hearts
Mary Ann Allen
Mary Kiernan
Maxine Rosenberg
Mayr Boros
Melinda Nascumbeni of Honolulu, Hawaii
Melinda Pickens and friends Carol and Linda
Merle Morita of Aiea, Hawaii
Minnie Lynch of Seattle, Washington
Mission Committee of First Baptist Church of Morganton, North Carolina
Mr. & Mrs. Tammy Trebesch of Hamburg, Minnesota
Ms. Schrader of Largo, Florida
Nancy Sharpe of Santa Monica, California
Nancy Wong of @hihandmadegifts
Numerous Anonymous Supporters
Off Kilter Quilters of Delmar, New York
Oksana Weter
Off Kilter Quilters of Albany NY, Petra, Becky, Becky, Kathy, Mary Helen, and Grace
Pam Mayfield of Lawrence, Kansas
Pat Karasick, Quilts from the Heart, Westside Quilters, of Los Angeles, California
Patricia Agheana
Patti and Robert Lee of California
Paula Krolikoski of Stratham, New Hampshire
Peggy Nicholson
Priscilla Foley and The Garden City Quilt Guild of Ipswich, Massachusetts
Puyallup Valley Quilters of Graham, Washington
Reina Reeves, Sewing Machines Plus, San Marcos, California
Renate Diedrick
Rita Avancini of Austin, Texas
Robin Richstone of Ann Arbor, Michigan
Robin Sturdivant
Rosemary Geisler
Russel of Lincoln, California
Ruth Lickteig of Mason City, Iowa
Ruth Martin of Tucson, Arizona
Sally Daniels
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild in California
SewBo of South Boulder, Colorado
Sewing Church Groups from Neosho Rapids, Kansas
Sewing Machines Plus of Escondido, California
Sherri Stratton and Nancy Schmidt of Belmont, California
Silk Road Textiles of Cincinnati, Ohio
Skillman Family of Pendleton, Orgeon
Sonja Daniels, Westside Quilters of Los Angeles, California
South Bay Quilters Guild of Torrance, California
Susan Fish and Karen Tolley of Massachusetts
Susan Fraser Sullivan of Lee, Massachusetts
Susan Quater of San Rafael, California
Sylvie Nguyen of Cherry Valley, Illinois
Teri Howell of Corona, California
Terri Salindong of Spring City, Pennsylvania
Terri Simms
Terry and Linda Maupin of Battle Ground, Washington
The Coon ‘Ohana and Cindy Sawyer
Valsoano Family of Oak Park, Illinois
Foundations, Groups, and Individuals who have contributed monetary donations:
Ann Mullins
Anne G. Durham
Carol Clark
Chaya Thomas/The Sweet Freeze
Colette Hailey
Donna Gones
Edie Tyau
Erin Sweeney
Gail & Chris Traughber
Hawaii Community Foundation Maui Strong Fund
Holly Ann Hess
Jane Ward
Jennifer Van
JM Jones
Jo Ann Ely
Joan Junger
Joan Winston
Judith Kronmeyer
Kathleen VanDuzee
Lei Ho
Lorraine and Jerold Nakason
Lisa Murphy
Louise Johnson
Love Stitches by Naomi @lovestitchesbynaomi
Mae Fuji
Maureen Pierre
Margo Johnson
Mary Ellen Barrett
Maxine Bolf and George Esqueda
Michelle Futornick
Pamela Holmes
Patricia Tanges
Rebound Clothing
Sally Meier
Sondra Morrison
Restaurants and Individuals who have donated lunches to The Sewing Hui volunteers:
Matthew White of My Thai Maui - donated a delicious lunch last Thursday for our sewing volunteers - @mythaimaui
Julie MacMillan - donated a homemade pound cake with fresh lilikoi gaze for tea-time
Gail Kuba - donated scones for lunch time
Hungry Heroes Hawaii - donated lunches to the volunteers
Lynne Donaldson - made chocolate banana cake for tea time
Gail Pickholz - made a yummy dessert for our tea time